Makeup School in Kerala
Years of Excellence in delivering makeup
Google FIVE stars reviews by makeup course students
15 million +
Social media engagements
Face Palette's credibility is significantly enhanced through its affiliation with the UN Global Compact Programme and certification from the Europe India Centre for Business and Industry, an European Parliament accredited organisation. These recognitions align Face Palette with globally respected standards, lending international credibility to Face Palette's mission and further validating its commitment to empowering women through skill development in Kerala and beyond.

United Nations Global Compact
This UN affiliation extends international credibility and exposure to its students. Face Palette is one of only 344 organizations in India selected for this UN initiative. Face Palette stands out for its mission of empowering women through makeup artistry, with a strong focus on skill development to support Kerala’s economic growth

EICBI Certification
EICBI, an European Parliament accredited organisation & Face Palette has signed an MOU whereby Face Palette will deliver different formats of makeup training workshops for Indian and foreign students at its professional makeup training studio in Kochi and these courses will be certified by EICBI and students will receive a joint certification from EICBI and Face Palette.
Give a Makeover To Your Career With Us

Face Palette, a Government of India Certified Startup and an internationally accredited and certified organisation, offers courses that cater to a range of prospective students, from a woman who is enthusiastic and wish to learn to do their own makeup to girls who are inspired by YouTube and Instagram makeup tutorials to women and men who intend to pursue makeup artistry as their profession.
We offer a number of international certification courses, certified by a London based body, covering areas such as self makeup, bridal makeup, party makeup, natural luminescent makeup all using HD methodology. Our courses provide all those skills and experience that are needed to succeed in this competitive industry.
Book Makeup Artists & Hair Stylists In Kerala

Face Palette, a Govt of India certified startup and an internationally accredited and certified organisation for the delivery of quality makeup service, has 100+ Internationally Certified Makeup artists all across Kerala who are highly professional and trained personally by Makeup Guru Lekshmi Menon FRSA. We have different packages based on your budget and experience of our assistant, junior, senior and expert artists.
HD makeup service all over Kerala
Makeup services at your location
No additional travel charges
Follows MUA hygiene as per global standard protocols
Artist use only Hygienic and sanitized makeup kit
Disposables and only deep cleaned makeup brushes used
Various makeup packages available according to your budget
All makeup artists are internationally certified
Free postponement available
Face Palette Makeup Studios
Face Palette collaborates with students who studied Makeup Artistry at Face Palette International Makeup Academy to bring the Face Palette Makeup studio and Lekshmi Menon Style of Makeup closer to our guests in Kerala. So, if you are looking for a SKILLED MAKEUP ARTIST who does great makeup under sanitised conditions at an AFFORDABLE fee rather than a makeup studio with posh interiors, then head to Face Palette Makeup studio closer to you.



The Woman Impact Report
While the COVID-19 pandemic triggered one of the worst jobs crises since the Great Depression, Face Palette was able to offer 317 MAKEUP WORK worth more than Rs 24,23,150 to Women Makeup angels from Face Palette Makeup academy during the financial year 2021 - 22. The revenue generated on the backdrop of Covid related challenges helped support a number of Kerala based women beauty entrepreneurs, who are alumni of Face Palette Makeup academy,
കോവിഡ്-19 പാൻഡെമിക് ഏറ്റവും മോശം പ്രതിസന്ധി സൃഷ്ടിച്ചത് തൊഴിൽ മേഖലയിൽ ആണ്, എന്നാൽ 2021-2022 കാലയിളവിൽ ഫേസ് പാലറ്റിൽ നിന്നുള്ള വിമൻ മേക്കപ്പ് ഏഞ്ചൽസിന് Rs.24,23,150 രൂപയിലധികം വിലമതിക്കുന്ന 317 മേക്കപ്പ് വർക്കുകൾ നൽകാൻ ഫെയ്സ് പാലറ്റിന് കഴിഞ്ഞു!
Brand Collaborations

Student Testimonial

Students Feedback | Internationally Certified Makeup Artistry Course | Face Palette #MakeupCourse

Student's share experience during Makeup Artistry Course | Face Palette Makeup Academy

സ്റ്റുഡന്റ് ടെസ്റ്റിമോണിയൽ പ്രൊ മേക്കപ്പ് കോഴ്സ് #MakeupCourse #LearnMakeup #BridalMakeup
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